Global Water Dances 2021
Site Leader : KyungHee Kim
Organization : SungKyunKwan University
City : Seoul
Country : South Korea
Body of water : OkRyuCheon(OkRyu Stream)
Site Location : MyungRyunDang, SungKyunKwan
History of the Site and related water issues : "OkRyuCheon(OkRyu Stream)" is a crystal-clear stream that originates
from Eastern range of BugAk Mountain and meets the CheongGyeCheon (CheongGye Stream) through the well of ChangDeok Palace.
OkRyuCheon means the stream of pure jade-colored flowing water. We hope we will drink this water, compose and recite a poem,
and dance here again as our ancestors have done.
Impact of event : Healthy Ocean
Local Date/Time : 6/12/2021, 3 pm
Choreographer(s) : Sung A Park
Videographers : YoungJoo Lee, YoonSoo Kim, YoonSeon Kim, KoEun Seo, SuJin Chang, SuHye Kim, ChaeWon Kim
Dancers : ByeolRim Lee, HaYeon Jeong, HuiJu Park, HyeWon Kim, JunHui Cho, MinYeong Lee, NaJin Kim, SeoYun Kim, SeungMin Lee, SiHyeon Kim, SongHyeon Lee, SuBin Choi, SuHyeon Park, SuMin Choi, YeWon Park, YeWon Kim, YunJu Kim
Performance Details :
Section Ⅰ. Ritual: TaePyungMu - Pray for the Peace and Prosperity
Section Ⅱ. Local Dance - Wish for the crystal-clear OkRyuCheon
Section Ⅲ. Global Dance - "Swans in Revolt" against Pandemic
Section Ⅳ. Participatory Dance: Yugid Dance® is a self-healing dance/movement, combining East Asian practices (Korean ‘KoukSunDo’, Chinese ‘Oh Keum Hee’, and Japanese ‘Seitai’) and Fluid Exercises(from Martha Eddy’s Body Mind Dancing™). ‘Yugi’ means letting ‘Ki’ flow smoothly and pleasantly.